Key factors that contributed to the guitar developing into a solo instrument in the early 19th century

The history of the guitar before Tarrega
Spain: The background ; Antonio Torres Jurado ; Francisco Eixea Tarrega ; Miguel Llobet ; Emilio Pujol ; Andres Segovia ; Manuel de Falla ; Frederico Moreno-Torroba ; Joaquin Turina ; Joaquin Rodrigo
Latin America: The background ; Heitor Villa-Lobos ; Agustin Pio Barrios ; Manuel Maria Ponce ; Antonio Lauro
Britain: The background ; Julian Alexander Bream ; John Christopher Williams ; Reginald Smith-Brindle ; Stephen Dodgson ; Lennox Berkeley ; Benjamin Britten ; William Walton
Other nationalities: Alexandre Tansman ; Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; Frank Martin
An evaluation of the differences between thecompositional techniques of non-playing and playing composers
Major factors influencing the position of the guitar during the twentieth century
Asurvey of certain compositional techniques that are used by the twentieth century composers.

Jonathan Louis Moolman

Key factors that contributed to the guitar developing into a solo instrument in the early 19th century
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