Johann Ferdinand Wilhelm (1678 – 1766)Tres Suites para Laud

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(Estas piezas pueden ser tocadas para guitarra si se hace una transposición de algunos de los bajos y cambios en algunas digitaciones)



some information about Comte Bergen
Bergen, Johann Ferdinand Wilhelm Graf von. Lute music of Bergen is preserved in Vienna, Ebenthal, and G=F6ttweig. RISM volume VII, estimates the Ms. in Vienna to be from around 1725 to 1750 (second quarter of the 18th century), but since it contains music only written for the 11-course lute, I think it could have been composed even earlier, probably before 1720, perhaps as early as the first decade of the 18th century. This is also discussed by Tim Crawford in his article Lord Danby, Lutenist of “Quality”: “The ‘Counts of Berghen’ are more problematic to identify, since there are so many towns in ‘Germany’ called Bergen. There was an important lute composer with this title: three excellent suites by a ‘comte bergen’ appear in an 18th-century lute manuscript now in Vienna; one has been published in modern times. The editor identifies the composer as Johann Ferdinand Wilhelm, Reichsgraf von Pergen (or Bergen) 1648-1766 [sic.], who became a high-ranking Imperial official. This Count Bergen had a younger brother (Joseph Leopold, 1688-1725), but details of their musical activities (apart from the lute music – if indeed by him) have not yet come to light. Had the elder Count been a skilled lute player by 1709, as the fine (somewhat later) music in the Vienna manuscript might suggest, it would be surprising if Berard 1) were not to mention the fact”
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